Shades of red

Risto Turunen, Shades of Red: Evolution of the Political Language of Finnish Socialism from the 19th Century until the Civil War of 1918. The Finnish Society for Labour History, Papers on Labour History IX. Helsinki. 524 p.

“Skillfully integrating labour history, the history of concepts and digital humanities, Shades of Red is a comprehensive and detailed examination of Finnish socialism and its vernacular varieties. An essential case study for students of socialist mobilisations in late imperial Russia and across the globe, as well as political languages in general.”
-Wiktor Marzec, PhD., University of Warsaw

”Shades of Red is a compelling, inspiring book that combines close and distant reading in a novel way. This is an original contribution to the emerging field of digital history.”
-Professor Hannu Salmi, University of Turku

”Shades of Red is a significant intellectual achievement. methodologically innovative, empirically sound and theoretically well-grounded.”
-Professor Emeritus Pauli Kettunen, University of Helsinki

Risto Turunen is a Postdoctoral Researcher specializing in computational and data-intensive approaches to modern political languages. He was awarded his doctorate in History at TampereUniversity in 2021.


Vuoden työväentutkimus 2021 -kunniamaininta myönnettiin FT Risto Turuselle väitöskirjasta Shades of Red: Evolution of the Political Language of Finnish Socialism from the 19th Century until the Civil War of 1918 (Tampereen yliopisto, 2021).  Lisätietoja ja palkinnon perustelut:


Risto ja mainio väitöksensä hyvässä seurassa. Kannattaa kuunnella. Rediscovering Borderland Socialism: A discussion with Eric Blanc, Wiktor Marzec, Maria Todorova and Risto Turunen.


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