CfP: Muistitietotutkimuksen kansainvälinen kongressi Jyväskylässä kesällä 2018

Jyväskylään saapuu kesällä 2018 suuri ja kansainvälinen joukko oral history –tutkijoita IOHA Finland 2018 -kongressiin. Mukaan toivomme myös suomalaisia muistitietotutkijoita sekä muistitiedon kanssa muulla tavoin työskenteleviä ihmisiä. CfP on avoinna 31.10.2017 saakka, vielä on aikaa lähettää abstrakti!

Second call for papers for IOHA Finland 2018

The International Oral History Association is pleased to announce the call for papers for the next congress in 2018. The XX IOHA Congress will be held from June 18 to 21, 2018 in Jyväskylä, Finland. The congress is hosted by the University of Jyväskylä, the Finnish Literature Society, and the Finnish Oral History Network. The theme of the XX IOHA Congress is Memory and Narration.

The main focus of the congress is on the complex and multidimensional nature of oral history. Oral history and life story research can be carried out from numerous perspectives. We invite papers that address the methodological issues related to the production and analysis of oral histories and life stories. We especially encourage contributions related to oral history sources as narratives/narration and applications of methodological theories and practices.

We therefore look forward to receiving abstracts on the following themes:

–       Archived oral history
–       Personal and shared narratives
–       Transgenerational memory
–       Class, gender, age and memory
–       Traditions, folklore and history
–       Oral history and different disciplines
–       New waves of oral history
–       Oral history, theory and ethics
–       Oral history sources as narratives
–       Oral history and narrative theory
–       Memories of reading

The XX IOHA Congress coincides with the anniversary of two important events in Finnish history, the centennial of the 1918 Finnish Civil War as well as the end of World War I. The congress organizers would therefore like to welcome also contributions that address memory of war and other conflicts, narratives of survival, intergenerational war memories and communities of commemoration.

The official language of the congress is English, but presentations in Spanish will also be accepted.

The deadline for proposals has been now extended until the 31 of October 2017. For more detailed information, see the IOHA 2018 Finland congress page ( congress/ioha2018) and the second call for papers ( congress/ioha2018/CfP).

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